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Canned Comedy or Hypnosis Show? NO!

Why canned when you can get fresh?
Maybe I'm different, but I'm the type that'll pay a few more bucks for freshness over canned. Whether I'm talking green beans or a comedy show.  Yet so many event planners sett…

For What I'm Worth

Have you ever wondered why professional entertainers charge what they do?
For What I'm Worth. Why Professional Entertainers Charge What They Do. Pablo Picasso was once asked, "Why are you charging so much for that little painting?" Picasso replied, "I…

Comedy and Hypnosis – Why I Do What I Do

Comedy and Hypnosis – Why I Do What I Do
I do this (this comedy and stage hypnosis thing) because it’s what I believe I was meant to do.   And, of course I also do it because people pay me to do it.   However, the…