The Spanky Story

Sep 01, 2015

Did you ever have one of those "I wish I woulda said" moments, when what you wish you would have said pops into your brain hours, weeks or days later? Me too. But this isn't a story about one of those moments. This is a story of when I actually said what I would have wished I would have said. 

During the comedy boom of the late 1980s, Spanky and I were working together doing comedy at The Improv in San Diego, California.

Back then (pre-internet) comedians, who work at night, whiled away the daytime doing random stuff. Spanky and I decided to walk along the beach and check out the girls in bikinis.

As we were walking and ogling, we happened upon a big muscular body-builder dude. He was all oiled up and posing, like body-builders do.

He was also wearing very little. I found out later that what he was wearing is called a "posing suit." It was gold lamé.

Spanky and I (both non body-builders) looked at each other. Spanky asked, "What's that he's wearing?" I replied, "Some sort of thong-thingy." Spanky said, "There's no way I could ever pull that off." I replied, "Maybe if I distract him." 

We spent the next ten minutes laughing our scrawny asses off, while getting the stink eye from Mr. Thong-thingy.


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Posted by Lisa on
LMAO!!! The image I now have is NOT a pleasant one!!!
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