Why Do Hypnotists Do The 'YMCA' Routine?
Apr 21, 2015
Once in a while I'll stumble upon a hypnotist show (generally on YouTube or some other internet entity) and see the so-called "comedy" hypnotist doing the 'YMCA' routine.
Why are they doing something (or, rather, having their volunteers do something) that is not only not entertaining, but is something people will generally do in a non-hypnotized state? Haven't these hypnotists ever been to a baseball game or a wedding?
Add to the fact that there's no drama in everyone doing the same thing, and you have a boring, unentertaining show.
Will these hypnotists ever learn what's funny and entertaining? For my sake, I hope not. I just feel bad for the people who hire them.
Okay, that's enough complaining for now.
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