Live Entertainment, It Ain't Coming to Your TV

Mar 21, 2015

Last night I was driving home from an event and passed the Pepsi Center in Denver, CO where Garth Brooks was performing. 

Now, I'm not a fan of Garth Brooks. That doesn't mean I don't like him, I'm just in a neutral corner. But... I am a fan of his fans. They bought high priced tickets, braved the traffic, paid to park, and probably bought overpriced food and souvenirs at the concert. They got off their asses, though, and that's why I admire them.

These days, with a zillion television channels and pay-to-view internet services, it's very easy for people to stay at home and veg.

"But", you say, "I don't want to spend all my money going to high-priced concerts and plays and musicals and whatnot (all of my fans use the word 'whatnot'), I just don't have that kind of bread."

So here's the solution: Go to your local watering hole, community theater or coffee house open mic. Chances are, you'll enjoy yourself just as much as if you'd shelled out the big bucks. (Of course there's nothing wrong with shelling out the big bucks, there's a time and place for everything.)

Last weekend my girlfriend and I were invited by a friend of hers to come out and listen to his band. We debated for a minute, ooh... did we want to make the 30 minute drive? 

We decided yes. He specially invited us and it may have been our only opportunity to listen to his band for a while. We went. There were sound issues (issues Garth Brooks probably didn't have to deal with) but all in all, it was a pleasant evening. The band was pretty good, but more importantly, we could tell it meant a lot to him that we made the effort and the trip.

It would have been easier for us and Garth's fans to sit at home and butt warm our La-Z-Boys, but we braved the obstacles. Because live entertainment isn't coming to our living rooms, at least not until the home hologram unit is available.


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