One of the Secrets to Being a Successful Comedian

Aug 25, 2014

Many, many years ago I was in the green room at George McKelvey's Comedy Club in Denver, CO, talking to the headliner who was appearing there that week.  I'd found out that he'd been in the business for a very long time and was friends with several well-known (famous even) comedians.

He told me that he'd worked with them on the circuit and at various writing gigs.  The names he mentioned were all household names and they'd moved on from stand-up to acting, writing, producing and directing in the motion picture industry.  And here he was working at a comedy club in Denver.  So, I asked him, "Why are your friends all rich and famous and you're working at a comedy club in Denver. 

Without skipping a beat he pointed to his nose and said, "Everything went up here."

He told me that if he could give one jewel of advice to aspiring comics about how to make it in the industry, it would be that they don't become addicted to drugs and/or alcohol.  And the others, the rich and famous ones?  He told me all of them avoided partying.  (You never hear much about any missteps involving his rich and famous friends.)  While they were working on their craft, he was doing coke.  All of the money he'd earned went up his nose.  Now (even though he was a well-known comedian at one time), he's not much better off than those of us who are still waiting for our big break.

Sure, I drink a little but even though I live in Colorado I avoid drugs, legal, illegal and prescription.  I still hope to make it, but if I don't, it won't be because of drug or alcohol abuse. 

Note: This post was inspired by the death of Robin Williams.  I don't know if he was using drugs or alcohol at the time of his death.  Suffering from depression, Parkinson's disease and financial worries is hard enough for a lot of people to handle.  I've heard (since I'm no expert) that drug and alcohol abuse can exacerbate these issues.


James Zingelman


James R. Zingelman is the "real" name of Hypnotic Comic Rusty Z.

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