Be A Famous Comedian Overnight!

Apr 23, 2014

Lately, I've seen more and more "comedians" promoting themselves on their websites, online booking sites, Facebook, Twitter and the internet in general claiming to be professional, and in their own minds, famous, comedians.  Thanks to the internet they can Be A Famous Comedian Overnight!  Even though, at best, they're open mikers. The internet can make you famous, but it can't make you good.  Only practice and paying your dues can make you good.

Not only haven't they paid their dues, it seems the majority of these characters have no clue what "paying your dues" even means.

They'll typically do a few open mikes at a dive bar or ice cream parlor around town (I have nothing against dive bars, ice cream parlors or open mikes), then "headline" their own self-produced show at a dive bar or ice cream parlor around town (and pay themselves a few bucks from the take at the door, thus becoming "a paid professional"), and then have the audacity to call themselves a "professional comedian."  And, to add to their own self-delusion, they think they became "famous" overnight.

One guy (who's my Facebook "friend" although I've never met him in person) who calls himself a professional comedian and tries to book himself as a corporate entertainer but is (okay, I have to be polite here in case he reads this) just not ready!

My opinion; he should humble down a bit, work on his act and get good (the audiences will tell you if you're good), before he pretends to be a professional.  And, for now, forget about fame.  He'd best, for now, concentrate on not sucking.

It's called paying your dues, kids.  Don't just self-promote and pretend to be famous without getting good; get good, then self-promote and get famous.  

The old joke is: Q. How do I get to Carnegie Hall? A. Practice, practice, practice.  

The old joke is not: Q. How do I get to Carnegie Hall? A. Do something a few times at a dive bar or ice cream parlor then bullshit (self-promote) your way into Carnegie Hall and look like an idiot when you start to perform.

Even though the internet (the world's cheapest fame-making machine) is available, the only real way to "make it" is to practice, practice, practice.  And for those of you who don't know;  That's what "paying your dues" is.  Get good and hopefully fame will follow.


Category: Comedy Hypnosis

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