Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream & Me

Apr 25, 2018


I'm a big fan of mint chocolate chip ice cream. As soon as I discovered it, it became my go-to flavor.

So what does mint chocolate chip ice cream have to do with an entertainment blog post? Well, I look at my style of entertainment to be a bit like MCC... not chocolate or vanilla boring and not bacon maple weird. Refreshing, but flecked with delightful surprises.

I try to make my company party comedy (and hypnosis) shows a little less humdrum than the usual vanilla and chocolate.

Clean, clever and crisp may be an accurate description. It's easy to be a commonplace crowd pleaser, a little tougher to bring a little character and flavor to the table. I don't do, "It's funny because it's true." I do, "It's funny because it's funny." 

Next time you're in the market for something a little unusual and still delectable, try a little mint chocolate chip, both the ice cream and the entertainment!


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