Sight Lines
Dec 15, 2016
I've done a couple of small private company party hypnosis shows recently and was reminded of something I forgot to cover in my book.
That subject is sight lines.
Both of these small shows were done without a stage and I was only slightly higher than (and my volunteers were at the same level as) the audience.
Neither venue had poles or other obstructions in the way, but at both there were holiday centerpieces on the tables. I noticed that some of the audience members were struggling to see around the centerpieces, so I asked the staff to remove them and place them at a table on the side. (They latter raffled off the centerpieces.)
Once everyone could see the shows commenced and, according to the response of those who hired me, were very successful.
Just another thing to think about when producing a show. Make sure everyone can see, because it's not always obvious when their view is obstructed.
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