A Matter of Perspective
Jan 31, 2015
The other night I did a comedy hypnosis show at Comedy Works South at the Landmark in Denver, CO. It was a Tuesday night and I was grateful to have a decent-size audience to perform for.
After the show, as I was manning my souvenir stand and thanking people for coming out on a Tuesday night, a youngish (compared to me) hippish (again, compared to me) couple approached me and the young, hippish guy of the couple said, "Your show was awesome!
I said "Thank you, and thanks for coming out on a Tuesday night." The guy responded, "NO. YOUR SHOW WAS AWESOME!"
Again, I said thank you and told them to watch my website and the Comedy Works website for future engagements.
Now, I thought that that show in particular was a 7 1/2 on a scale of 10. I thought it was a very good show. But not an "AWESOME" show. Why the difference in opinion? Why was an audience member's perspective regarding my show different from mine?
Unbeknownst to the audience, I was trying out a couple of different things at that show. Slowing down my delivery and doing some different microphone techniques. Things I know I need to work on and that will improve my show. I was still getting used to my new presentation.
I suppose it wasn't too obvious as several audience member congratulated me on the show, including the one guy who thought it was an "AWESOME" show.
I think it's best, even if the audience members think a show is awesome, for entertainers to remember their show can always be improved. Don't be disillusioned by the audience's response. Be humble. Any show can always be a little bit better.
Or, as my young, hippish guy would say, "AWESOMER!"
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