ADD & Hypnosis & Me
Feb 12, 2014
Add & Me
This is a subject I am rather hesitant to bring up. Mainly because it's been my biggest life challenge. And it's still my biggest life challenge. And I'm not even sure that it exists. I just know that my brain works "differently" from some other peoples'.
So, can this challenge be helped with hypnosis? I don't know but I'm ready to start the journey. I've already quit smoking cigars and lost some weight (due to healthier eating plus exercise habits) using hypnosis. It's time to give this ADD a shot.
The challenge is, I like my brain and how it works. I like observing and being creative. I don't like the disorganization and clutter I see around me. So that's where I'll start. One thing at a time with hypnosis.
The clutter has to go. Now on to the nuts and bolts. I am usually reluctant to get rid of things (especially if those items are no longer available) because, if I get rid of it, you know darn well I'll need it the next day.
We start with that. The main suggestion being "If I haven't used it in the past 2 years, it's time to let it go." I will keep you posted on my progress.
If you have anything you'd like help with by using the power of your subconscious mind, reply to this post or go to the contact page, and I'll do what I can. Now it's time to put some stuff on eBay.
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